Refugee Crisis: Five things YOU can do to help – Christian Today

It's time to step up and do something. The refugee crisis has been worsening for over a year. With the conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa showing no sign of abating, many of us are feeling an urgent need to act.

Andy Walton. 3 September 2015

1 thought on “Refugee Crisis: Five things YOU can do to help – Christian Today”

  1. In the nearby WaPo item “As tragedies shock…,” World Vision’s Richard Stearns implies that there is a sixth thing that Christians can do to help refugees from Syria– help donors to understand them well enough to care and give. Stearns points out that donors who normally give generously to his charity in response to such natural catastophes as the Nepal earthquake, are slower to give to Muslims fleeing war in the Middle East. Perversely, the anti-Western hostility of Muslims in Al Quaeda and the Islamic State has made normally generous people reluctant to help the great majority of Muslims who pose no present threat to our security, and whose views of the West are surely being tested by this crisis. As we appeal to others to give and help, we should be careful to ‘re-humanise’ these refugees in the eyes of the heart.

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