#fulcrumsermonthoughts: sermon thoughts for everyday discipleship

Weekly sermon thoughts for everyday discipleship based on two RCL lectionary readings


Sermon thoughts for everyday discipleship

by John Watson

Sunday 28 July 2013

Colossians 2:6-15 and Luke 11:1-13

Paul starts to unravel the implications of the cross - the fruit of which is being ‘found’ in Jesus. A new identity is offered. Some think identity is a given - but others say it is more of a task - a reworking as we discover who we are in the light of who others are. Identity is more about an ongoing discovery, an adventure as we discover the reality of who we become when we give ourselves to Jesus. ‘Continue to live your lives in him’ - this is not a passive adoption but a proactive reception. And as we live and move though this world we will hear all sorts of voices and theories of what we are and what we should be - these voices clamour for our attention - “you are what you own” “wealth=happiness” but Paul says as we live in this world remember “you have come to fullness in him” Your past reliances of identity have now been reformed because of Christ’s fullness - sinner no more, dead no more, you have a new identity rooted in baptism and the cross. These false voices will be shown for what they are. There is only one voice we need listen to. So work at it, remember it, live it. Let that voice shape you. Let that voice become the loudest voice in our ears and hearts.

This new identity is revealed in the tender words of a prayer Jesus taught his disciples - with the opening word: Father. The words that follow unpack the actions of the Father towards the one saying the prayer and then continue in demanding action from the one saying it. Jesus continues in his unpacking of the generous and lavish way the Father will give good gifts to his children. Here the emphasis on relationship between God and his people is one of Father and child. We have been drawn into that filial relationship between the Father and the Son - we have been caught up in the dynamic pattern of living and loving. So Jesus says if the Father loves the Son, as the father does love a son. how much more he wants to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him. Ask him says Jesus - don’t be afraid - be bold in your petition for the Spirit. So we find ourselves hearing of a God waiting to be asked; waiting to hear the knock on the door. The door will open and we will discover the welcoming and life changing relationship of Father, Son and Spirit - and we will then begin that journey of self-discovery.

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