#fulcrumsermonthoughts: sermon thoughts for everyday discipleship

Weekly sermon thoughts for everyday discipleship based on two RCL lectionary readings


Sermon thoughts for everyday discipleship

by John Watson

Sunday 4th August 2013

Colossians 3:1-11 and Luke 12:13-21

This week in Colossians we see the language of ‘new self’ (v.10) being expressed clearly and with that the implications of the new self - which have very practical ones in the arena of desire and behaviour. But Paul is not simply concerned about surface changes in action - but a deeper change being expressed in terms of being. This is a wonderfully rich and interwoven passage where metaphors about selfhood are explored and played with abundantly ‘you are hidden in Christ’ ‘Christ who is your life’ ‘you will be revealed in glory’ 'renewed according to the image of its creator’ ending of course with a the colossal shift in who we are - a joint identity where nationality, religious background, social status is redefined (here we see a difference to the Galatians 3.28 which also included gender and which was read on 23rd June.)

This is the whole platform upon which Paul is building his understanding of selfhood - there is a deep change in who we are - a change of being - it goes right to the very nature of who we are - we are changed into a new being because of Jesus. We do not become some sort of new species - but a rediscovery and recapture and as Paul uses the word a ‘renewal’ (v.11) of what was always intended - because Jesus life redefines our life.

So by setting our minds on ‘things that are above’ - we do so not to escape the clutches of the earth but be people that will transform it. We acknowledge the shaping voices and powers around us and we seek to be shaped by THE power - the one who ‘is all and in all’ - Christ.

Being shaped by a different voice is expressed clearly in Luke’s passage today. It begin’s with a plea for justice - someone comes running up to Jesus asking for his help - he may feel cheated that he has been left nothing. Jesus does not answer either way but calls for a new perspective - taking the issue to its deepest. There may be a sense of injustice here - but only because it is about money or property - this is not the be all and end all of life. In fact says Jesus anyone who makes their life goal simply about that will find at the end it has all been a waste of time. So be different to the world - look to a higher way of being.

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