Maintaining the Bonds of Affection and the Discovering of Objects of Love:An East Asian Response to the Windsor Report 2004

Download the article as a PDF. Michael PoonMichael Poon is canon of Saint Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, and former director of the Centre for the Study of Christianity in Asia, Trinity Theological College. He is a member of the Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order of the Anglican Communion, and Anglican member of the Anglican … Continue Reading

The only poker game in town: reflections on the Windsor Report

1. The Lambeth Commission was asked to make a theological and legal discernment of a particular situation, describing that situation in an analytical way that would prepare for a practical decision by the Primates and A.C.C. Their work, we may say, is a service rendered to the episcopê of the Anglican churches, aimed towards an … Continue Reading

Windsor Report: Fulcrum Initial Statement

We consider this to be a very significant, thoughtful, in-depth, report with vital recommendations which could hold the Anglican Communion together. Clearly, it has teeth and is not a fudge. It is a much more conservative than liberal document. It is against excessive provincial autonomy, and the ‘pre-emptive strikes’ of the dioceses of New Hampshire, … Continue Reading

Review of Whose Religion is Christianity? The Gospel beyond the West by Lamin Sanneh

Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003 ISBN 0-8028-2164-2 paperback, xii+138 pages $12.00 (£8.99) In his latest book, which is slim but not slight, Lamin Sanneh exploits the genre of a modern Socratic dialogue to publicise and discuss the phenomenon of Christianity as a world religion. He has summarized – rephrased? – and answered questions from his students … Continue Reading