The sea change – Covenant.

Not long before the fall of Rome, Sidonius Apollinaris, one of the church’s lesser known episcopal windbags, wrote a reference letter for a candidate to become Bishop of Bourges in Gaul. It wasn’t a propitious time to be a bishop since the old Roman province of Gallia was by then in a state of collapse, thanks to the increasingly successful Gothic invasions. Episcopal electors had settled on two possible candidates: Sidonius’s friend who benefited from a fine Roman education and noble lineage and a monk who lacked either a good education or respectability. In the letter, Sidonius launched into the full flair of Roman rhetoric to extol the virtues of his friend and to remind the electors that nothing could surpass the formidable preparation for public office that the old educational system provided. Yet he also recognized that the times were changing and that one couldn’t assume an appreciation for the old Roman virtues

Mark Claviuer. Covenant. 18 September 2017

1 thought on “The sea change – Covenant.”

  1. In other words, the eclipse of doctrine, of truth which is true for God and true for us. I am reminded of a quote of someone that the time would come when faith would be separated from fact, especially pre-Abrahamic fact, and faith would go on triumphantly for ever.
    Phil Almond

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