Lambeth can be what it wants to be

Summary Why the wrangling over Lambeth? If nothing else, the present debate over invitations to and attendance at the upcoming Lambeth Conference offers an important opportunity to reflect on the character of the Church as a body that gathers, takes common counsel, and makes representative decisions. Specifically, some of the public statements over these matters … Continue Reading

The Church of England: More than Evangelical but not Less – Fulcrum Newsletter 14, March 2007

republished, with permission, from The Church of England Newspaper, 22 March 2007 Dear Fulcrum Friends, The traditional phrase used to describe the Church of England is ‘Catholic and Reformed’. Too often the middle word ‘and’ passes unnoticed. Connecting words are crucial, humble and worth contemplating. They introduce links between polarities by contributing ‘threeness’ to ‘duality’. … Continue Reading

‘Fulcrum response to the Communique of the Primates’ Meeting in Tanzania, February 2007

We give thanks to God for the extraordinary way in which he has guided the Primates this week under the careful leadership of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Communiqué is unanimous, strongly worded and detailed in both description and analysis. It reiterates the Primates’ definitive backing for the recommendations of The Windsor Report (paragraph 30) … Continue Reading

Fulcrum response to the Covenant for the Anglican Communion

The text of the Covenant is encouraging and it fits many of the concerns Fulcrum has been expressing. In particular, the aspects to appreciate include: The ‘dual track’ approach of a longer term provision and a short term commitment to its shape (paragraph 2, Urgency): The definitive text of any proposed Covenant which could command … Continue Reading

Fulcrum response to Sub Group’s Report on General Convention

Fulcrum response to the Report on General Convention 2006 by the Communion’s Sub Group of the Joint Standing Committee by Andrew Goddard (Co-published with the Anglican Communion Institute) The notes in the text are hyperlinked into the end notes; to return to the text, click on the end note number The Report of the Communion … Continue Reading

To cleave or to cleave? The Primates’ Meeting in Tanzania – Fulcrum Newsletter 13, February 2007

republished, with permission, from The Church of England Newspaper, 8 February 2007 Dear Fulcrum Friends, The traditional English word ‘cleave’ has two meanings, which are the exact opposite of each other: ‘to stick together’ and ‘to split’. Both are used in the King James Version of the Bible in well known passages in the book … Continue Reading

A Confused ‘Covenant’

Initial comments on ‘A Covenant for the Church of England’, issued by Paul Perkin and Chris Sugden and others by the Bishop of Durham, Dr Tom Wright I am surprised that this document (‘A Covenant for the Church of England’, hereafter CCE) has been issued, and sorry that its clear grasp of some issues is … Continue Reading