#fulcrumsermonthoughts: sermon thoughts for everyday discipleship

Weekly sermon thoughts for everyday discipleship based on two RCL lectionary readings


Sermon thoughts for everyday discipleship

by John Watson

Sunday 21 July 2013

Colossians 1:15-28 and Luke 10:38-end

In this first part of the passage of Colossians we see Paul breaking into local hymnody - often called the Colossian hymn it was either penned by him or adapted by him. It is an amazing hymn of praise and declaration of who Jesus is. It is full of interweaving statements of such boldness that declare Jesus to be the one who is before all things, the one in which all things hold together, the one in whom the fullness of God - the very essence of God himself - dwells. Through this Jesus God brought a radical reshaping of the cosmos. You can feel the emotion of the words, the build up of praise and the triumphant declarations. The language has in it sights the Gnostic heresies of the day - and here Paul uses this to show that nothing and no-one can compare to Jesus. This Jesus holds all things in his hands. He is the hope to which we have been called - the calling to become a hope filled people - the hope of glory, which will change everything.

This change is shown in the Gospel passage today, which continues from last week, but instead of a lawyer, Jesus meets two women - who unlike the lawyer - show Jesus the hospitality expected of the day. (Luke omits the details of John’s account John 11 and 12).

We see Martha making Jesus her neighbour. We see the disciple Mary learning and sitting at the feet of the Master. Breaking all the rules of the day - for only men were allowed to delve into the teachings of God’s law. But Jesus does not tell her off - in fact he does the opposite - he commends and encourages. He even goes so far as to say that the traditional work of a woman is surpassed by the learning of God’s truth - so don’t leave this learning to just the men! This is a new tradition. This is a new way of being and we see two women leading the way.

Paul and Luke offer us a powerful reminder that Jesus challenges and changes everything. This Jesus who was not afraid to challenge the norms of the day, to break the governing rules, to redefine who is a disciple. This Jesus who reshapes the cosmos reshapes our lives. This Jesus is the one we proclaim. He is the one who will bring wisdom. He is the one who will make ‘everyone mature’. So let us grow up too!

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