God with us from our beginning,
Sheltered in our mother's womb.
God with us through birth and childhood,
Sharing happiness and gloom.
Word of God through whom was fashioned
All that is and e'er shall be
Has stooped down from heaven's glory
To become like you and me.
God with us in all our darkness,
Tempted, tested day by day.
God with us in all our weakness,
Weeping tears along the way.
God's true image now embodied,
Living in our world of sin,
Gives us light and strength and healing
As he brings God's kingdom in.
God with us when death encroaches,
Pleading for this cup to pass.
God with us when life expires,
Crucified, he breathes his last.
Living God who lies united
To a breathless human shell,
So that at our grave we're rescued
From the powers of death and hell.
God with us through all life's journey,
Presence nothing can destroy.
God with us from start to finish,
Christ our comfort, hope and joy.
Jesus, risen Lord and Saviour,
We now trust all shall be well
As you never will forsake us
For you are Emmanuel.
As 8 7. 8 7.D this can be sung to various well-known tunes with Blanwaern perhaps working best.
Lord, you left your heavenly glory is an earlier hymn for Christmas published on Fulcrum in 2008.