Lord, you left your heavenly glory,
Came to bear our human frame,
Nurtured in the womb of Mary,
Girl to whom the angel came.
“Greetings, Favoured Blessed Virgin,
You shall bear God’s only Son”
Trusting, though perplexed, she answered,
“As you say, God’s will be done”.
Secretly within her body,
Mary felt her Saviour grow,
Then imperial power commanded,
Off to Bethl’em they must go.
There, God’s mother, weak and tired,
Body wracked with labour pain,
Wonders at her fragile firstborn -
God now come on earth to reign.
Shepherds working on the hillside,
Awe-struck, hear the angel throng,
“Glory be to God in heaven
Peace on earth” proclaims their song.
“For to you is born a Saviour
Far from power, might and fame,
Wrapped in cloths within a manger,
God has come to share your shame”.
Word of God, once born of Mary,
Jesus Christ, our servant King,
Truly God and truly human,
Now to you our praise we bring.
From your birth in that poor stable,
To your death at Calvary,
You gave up your life for others,
Your great love has set us free.
Possible tunes: Abbot’s Leigh, Austria
This carol was written and first appeared on Fulcrum in 2008.

Sure you can find Mike at Modern-icons.co.uk. He is also on Facebook, if you have any difficulty Elaine Storkey or Adrian Chatfield etc will direct you I,m sure. I bought one of his pieces in 1994 it was also called The Birth. But the reason I thought this picture suited your poem was because when you look closely many things are represented and they are all a part of the puzzle ( wonder) of new beginnings and life through the holy spirit. There are also blank puzzle pieces just like life.
Beautiful , and have a look at Mike Rose latest commission Art piece which puts a visualisation to this poem very well. The birth of the fruits of the Spirit, comes not from strength but from weakness, made strong. The Alpha and Omega all flows first and foremost from the womb in the birth of innocence , and aspiration for Peace. May Peace be Gods gift to you today and Strength be your gift when Peace is elusive.
Thanks for your encouraging comment. I don’t know of Mike Rose or his artwork. Can you give a link or more info please? Thanks.