Fulcrum response to the Covenant for the Anglican Communion

The text of the Covenant is encouraging and it fits many of the concerns Fulcrum has been expressing.

In particular, the aspects to appreciate include:

  • The 'dual track' approach of a longer term provision and a short term commitment to its shape (paragraph 2, Urgency):

    The definitive text of any proposed Covenant which could command the long term confidence of the Communion would need extensive consultation and refining...At the same time, there needed to be a commitment now to the fundamental shape of the covenant in order to address the concerns of those who feared that the very credibility of the commitment of the Anglican Churches to one another and to the Gospel itself was in doubt...

  • The twin sense of robustness in the present crisis and consistency with our past (paragraph 2, Urgency):

    The text offered is meant to be robust enough to express clear commitment in those areas of Anglican faith about which there has been the most underlying concern in recent events, while at the same time being faithful and consistent with the declarations, formularies and commitments of Anglicanism as they have been received by our Churches.

  • The section on biblically derived moral values (paragraph 3.1, Our Commitment to Confession of the Faith)

    uphold and act in continuity and consistency with the catholic and apostolic faith, order and tradition, biblically derived moral values and the vision of humanity received by and developed in the communion of member Churches;

  • The references to biblical texts together with the use of responsible scholarship for interpretation (see paragraph 3.3, Our Commitment to Confession of the Faith):

    ensure that biblical texts are handled faithfully, respectfully, comprehensively and coherently, primarily through the teaching and initiative of bishops and synods, and building on our best scholarship, believing that scriptural revelation must continue to illuminate, challenge and transform cultures, structures and ways of thinking;

  • The stress on interdependence amongst provinces (paragraph 4, Our Anglican Vocation)

    As the Communion continues to develop into a worldwide family of interdependent churches...

  • The continued importance of the Four Instruments of Unity (para 5, Our Unity and Common Life):

    We affirm the place of four Instruments of Communion which serve to discern our common mind in communion issues, and to foster our interdependence and mutual accountability in Christ.

  • The section on 'non fulfilment of the covenant' (para 6, the Unity of the Church):

    We acknowledge that in the most extreme circumstances, where member churches choose not to fulfil the substance of the covenant as understood by the Councils of the Instruments of Communion, we will consider that such churches will have relinquished for themselves the force and meaning of the covenant's purpose, and a process of restoration and renewal will be required to re-establish their covenant relationship with other member churches.

So, there is much to be encouraged about in this Covenant.

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