Dear Archbishop Justin, please heal my heartbreak – Christian Today

Dear Archbishop Justin, You and I met once – though I appreciate you probably won't recall the event. It was the consecration of the Bishop of Lewes at Westminster Abbey, and we shook hands. I looked you straight in the eyes and said, 'I pray for you ever such a lot.' And you were, I think, pleasantly startled, and laughed and said something like: 'I definitely need it.'

David Baker. Christian Today 3 October 2017

1 thought on “Dear Archbishop Justin, please heal my heartbreak – Christian Today”

  1. Amen to ‘a better story’. We all need to die that death in one way or another. ‘An air that kills from yon far country blows’ but it is a death that leads to life – in the end, though it involves agonising sacrifice now.
    Phil Almond

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