Terry Eagleton presents an unusual challenge to the new atheism – The Economist

AMONG the public intellectuals of the Western world, a significant camp believes that only one really important battle of ideas is now in progress: between liberal, rational, law-bound modernity and the dark forces of Islamic jihadism.

Erasmus in the Economist. 9 October 2016

1 thought on “Terry Eagleton presents an unusual challenge to the new atheism – The Economist”

  1. The fundamental conflict is between Theism and Naturalism. The refutation of Naturalism can be put like this. When we work through the proof of Pythagoras’ Theorem we all feel a sense of absolute certainty that it is true for all the infinite number of right-angled triangles. But for the Naturalist, at least for the materialistic Naturalist, what is happening when we mentally rehearse the proof in our minds, and feel the sense of the absolute certainty of the conclusion, can be completely explained by chemical and physical events in the brain. The sense of absolute certainty we feel cannot be completely explained by that explanation. Non-materialistic forms of Naturalism, however sophisticated, can only be fudges.

    Phil Almond

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