Fulcrum response to Primates’ Statement

The Primates’ Statement, like the Windsor Report, manifests long term solutions, rather than precipitous dissolution, for the Anglican Communion. We welcome their statement which builds on the profound theological insights of the Windsor Report, provides sensible provision for voluntary discipline in terms of a 3 year withdrawal of the provinces of ECUSA and Canada from … Continue Reading

Maintaining the Bonds of Affection and the Discovering of Objects of Love:An East Asian Response to the Windsor Report 2004

Download the article as a PDF. Michael PoonMichael Poon is canon of Saint Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, and former director of the Centre for the Study of Christianity in Asia, Trinity Theological College. He is a member of the Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order of the Anglican Communion, and Anglican member of the Anglican … Continue Reading

The only poker game in town: reflections on the Windsor Report

1. The Lambeth Commission was asked to make a theological and legal discernment of a particular situation, describing that situation in an analytical way that would prepare for a practical decision by the Primates and A.C.C. Their work, we may say, is a service rendered to the episcopê of the Anglican churches, aimed towards an … Continue Reading

Windsor Report: Fulcrum Initial Statement

We consider this to be a very significant, thoughtful, in-depth, report with vital recommendations which could hold the Anglican Communion together. Clearly, it has teeth and is not a fudge. It is a much more conservative than liberal document. It is against excessive provincial autonomy, and the ‘pre-emptive strikes’ of the dioceses of New Hampshire, … Continue Reading

The Communion post November 2nd 2003 — Self-Examination from East Asia

Bishop Tom Wright of Durham in a recent article in the Guardian (October 18, 2003: That special relationship) helpfully compared the plight of the United Nations with that of the Anglican primates in the face of American unilateral actions. It would be unhelpful to stereotype those in leadership in America, and in ECUSA, as ugly … Continue Reading

Anglican Communion: Long Term Solutions not Dissolution

A paper written just prior to the Primate’s Meeting at Lambeth Dr David Jenkins, a former Bishop of Durham, is disillusioned with the Anglican Communion and suggests its dissolution (The Times, 13 October 2003). He considers that the churches should concentrate on mission and serving the flock within their national boundaries. This emphasis on nationalism … Continue Reading